Russell “Texas” Bentley - Sweet Home Novorossiya

Russell “Texas” Bentley - Sweet Home Novorossiya (English Version) Russian version / Русская версия: This song, written in the war, is a hymn to the unconquered Republic, glorifying its heroic defenders, and finding a new home. Russell, a citizen of USA from Texas, arrived in Donbass in December 2014 and voluntarily joined the armed forces of Novorossiya, the Essence of Time unit of the Vostok battalion, and later the Khan special battalion. After six months of participation in fighting at the Donetsk airport and near the village of Spartak, Russell engaged in information warfare. Working as a war correspondent, delivering humanitarian aid, and now also writing and performing songs, “Texas” does exclusively what he came for: fights against fascism and helps people in need in Donbass. The song “Sweet Home Novorossiya” was written in 2015 together with Danil Orlov, callsign “Poet”, on the front line, near the position “Fishhook”, near the village of Spart
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