Venetian Snares - Detrimentalist (full album)

Tracklist: 1. Gentleman - 0:00 (fav song) 2. Koonut-Kaliffee - 4:33 3. Sajtban - 9:28 (fav song) 4. Kyokushin - 13:34 5. Eurocore MVP - 18:16 (fav song) 6. Poo Yourself Jason - 22:43 7. Circle Pit - 27:19 (fav song) 8. Flashforward - 31:52 9. Bebikukorica Nigiri - 38:21 (fav song) 10. Miss Balaton - 41:58 Venetian Snares Discord - From Aaron’s Bandcamp - Venetian Snares, currently out on bail, once again makes a way better Venetian Snares record than you could ever make! Detrimentalist, Venetian Snares’ 332nd official studio album of disgusting ejacutronic rave horn is fresh off the bakery truck to pluck out your brain cells and replace them with inescapable k-hole oblivion! This is really a roots record for , revisiting those days when jungle was more about energy and experimentation than a strict formula. Those days before they took out all the good bits
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