General Smuts Addresses The Mother Of Parliaments In London (1942)

Titles read: “PATHE GAZETTE SPECIAL PRESENTATION - GENERAL SMUTS... ADDRESSES THE MOTHER OF PARLIAMENTS IN LONDON“. General view inside the empty chamber of the Houses of Parliament prior to Field Marshal General Smuts making a speech, then dissolve through to crowded chamber. M/S David Lloyd George, Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Smuts take the stand in front of members of both houses to a great outburst of applause. Lloyd George says “I call upon Field Marshal Smuts to address you“. Field Marshal Smuts takes the microphone. He talks of the honour of being asked to address the house and the bravery and spirit of England. He refers to the war in China and the war in Russia. Then he says “We have now reached the fourth year of this war, and the defence phase has now ended. The stage is set for the last, the offensive phase“. He talks of Hitler constituting the darkest page of modern history and calls for “a new fight to death for man’s rights and liberties“. He asks what sort of world
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