“TS: TERMINATORS“. Short Film.

Several T-800 are sent back in time by Skynet. But their mission is scrambled by John Connor. And now they are all targeting each other! NEW! “TS2 TERMINATORS 2: Primary Targets“ is online: Tribute to Arnold Schwarzenegger and Terminator. Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger Christian Bale Music by Marco Beltrami Danny Elfman Brad Fiedel Theme of Terminator also arranged by ThatOneComposerGuy Andrea Southern Films used: The Terminator Terminator 2: Judgment Day Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines Terminator Salvation Terminator Genisys Collateral Damage Commando End of Days Eraser Kindergarten Cop Last Action Hero Raw Deal Red Heat The 6th Day Total Recall True Lies Other Films: Hellboy (2019) Jurassic Park King Kong (2005) NHK Dinosaurs Resident Evil: Apocalypse Spider-Man 3 The Blues Brothers Yakusa O
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