Man’s Best Friend A Tiger! (1964)

Full title reads: “Man’s Best Friend? A Tiger!“ Russia. A Russian animal tamer shows off his circus act with lions, tigers and a black panther. CU Russian taxi driver looking excited as he drives along. CU Walter Zapashnyi sitting in the back with one of his pet tigers. Pan to the driver who keeps looking over his shoulder. CU The tiger licking Walter’s face in the back seat. LV Pan Walter leaves the taxi cab with his tiger on a lead. SV Man with small dog. The dog barks and growls. LV The tiger bounds upstairs into building with Walter following. CU Small dog watching. LV Walter comes into Circus ring riding on back of Lion. CU Walter acknowledging applause. SV Pan. As Walter performs trick with Black Panthers jumping over Lions and Tigers. CU Lion roaring. CU Tiger roaring. CU Black Panther roaring. CU Lynx. SV As the Lynx beats drum. CU Tiger. CU Walter. SV Pan. Walter with Tiger standing on back legs walking backwards round the ring. CU ditto. SV As Walter makes five tigers sit and beg. CU Walter la
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