Mongols vs. Samurais, Mongol Invasions of Japan 元寇

◆Japanese fortresses ⇒ ◆Samurai battles ⇒ Samurais’ prowess in the battlefields had been symbolic of Japan’s rejection to becoming a tributary vassal of any foreign dynasties for more than a millennium. 元寇に抗堪したサムライ達の武勇は、日本が永きにわたり異朝の属国になることを拒絶してきた行動の鑑と言える。 【BRIEF TIMELINE】 ◆Prewar period In 1268, Hōjō Tokimune (北条時宗), a Zen Buddhist, became the Shogunate regent at 17 years of age In 1268-72, Mongol envoys came to Japan, meanwhile, samurai espionage was being conducted in Korea (高麗)and Mongol/Yuan (元) In 1273, Mongol took full command over Korea (Korean royals already fell under Mongol domination in 1259) In 1274, Korea started shipbuilding and procurement ◆1st invasion of 1274 by 900 ships with 30k soldiers Oct 3, Korean ships set sail Oct 5, Tsushima island (対馬島) was assailed Oct 14, Iki island (壱岐島) Oct 16-17, On to Hirado and Takashima islands (平戸島・鷹島) Oct 20, Landed in Hakata city of Kyushu (博多), followed by the battles of Akasaka (赤坂), Torikaigata
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