Prophecies of Maria Valtorta on “The End of Times“ and “The Antichrist!“ Part 1: His Identity & Rise

“He will be a person with a very high position, he will be like a bright star, not like a human star that shines in the human sky, but a star from a supernatural sphere, who, giving in to the flattery of the enemy...“ “...he will become haughty and proud after having been humble, he will become an atheist after having had great faith, he will become lustful after having been chaste, he will hunger for gold after having known evangelical poverty, he will thirst for recognition after having lived a hidden life.“ Source: Father Giraudo of the Holy Office in early 1962 reversed the previous decision of that Office to place The Poem on the Index of Forbidden Books. Since then [1996], acceptance of The Poem has spread widely with imprimatur granted by Bishop Roman Danylak in Rome [1998] for all the approved English translations. The canonical approval to publish, given by Pope Pius XII has not been seriously challenged.
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