FLICKING PAINT - Stunning First Flick and Spin Acrylic Pour!

Flick and Spin Acrylic pour with beautifully soft lacing in the background. I set about creating a soft swipe in the background of this piece to create the beautiful lacing I’ve been getting with this technique. Then it was time for the centre piece. I place a small puddle of paint layering different colours and then began flicking. Well maybe not straight away as I had to get over my nerves. But once I started it began to take shape and I was absolutely delighted! Unfortunately if you watch until the end you will see what happened. I’m disappointed but feel confident I can create something similar. Colours: Bright Blue, Sky Blue, Turquoise, Sage Green, Celadon, Silver and Champagne Gold and Prussian Phthalo Blue. Base paint is British paints Interior Walls Low Sheen White. AFFILIATE LINKS ============== Paints I use: Mont Marte Metallic Set Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you :) Music: Licensed with Audiio.
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