B.B. King Orchestra Live At The North Sea Jazz Festival • 14-07-1979 • World of Jazz

BB King is one blues legend. Born in 1925 in a small town in Mississippi, he knew thanks to ’Lucille’ (the nickname for his guitar) to escape a miserable existence as a cotton picker. In the late 1940s he arrived in Memphis where his cousin Bukka White taught him the tricks of the blues. He soon developed his own style. Kings virtuoso, narrative solos, with lots of vibrato and long strokes, have been an example for almost all (rock) guitarists after him. And all King is a bluesartist pur sang, he has never been averse to other genres and also worked with pop acts like U2 and Eric Clapton. Despite his age, he is still at the top: Kings last album, One Kind Favor, has been awarded a Grammy, like many previous records. In the meantime, the Eighties continues undiminished, with each acting at his age a gift for his audience. - “How blue can you get“; - “Caledonia“; - “Some help I don’t need“; - “You let me down“ (?); - “Same old story, sa
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