Legio XV Apollinaris - Epic Roman Music

Music and vocals by Farya Faraji. Please note that this isn’t reconstructed Ancient Roman music, only modern music that uses elements of Ancient Roman music as well as its instruments. With this track, I wanted to lean a little into the aesthetic of the Chromatic genera of Ancient Greco-Roman music; a family of modes whose notes are organised in such a way as to often be reminiscent of modern blues and jazz melodies to our modern ears, and whose intervals also formed the basis of many modes and scales used to this day in the Balkans and the Middle-East, with a sound we today equate more to an oriental or eastern aesthetic. The instruments used are the lyre and the aulos. I used reconstructed Classical Latin pronunciation for the lyrics. The sung melody takes into account both the phonemic vowel length of Latin, as well as the stress accent. I used Ancient Greek singing convention as I figured it would be the closest relative to whatever the Romans used: therefore the musical stress falls on the ac
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