Improve Your Ankle Mobility to Squat Deeper

Use this superset to increase your ankle mobility and squat depth. In this warm-up superset, you use two variations of the same movement: First, a heavier weight but with something to hold on to; taking balance out of the equation so you can sink down into the stretch more. Then, do the same drill unassisted, but with a lighter weight in each hand. So you’ll challenge your stability in that same range, helping your body learn and see it as a safe position to be in. This is the key to preventing regression between sessions. 1. Hold a bench or rack post with your left hand and a heavy dumbbell in your right hand. 2. Perform 10 deep split squats on your left leg, using the weight to help sink you further (keep your heel down!). 3. Turn and face the opposite direction, and swap the hand holding the dumbbell, and holding the support. Then do 10 deep split squats on your right leg. 4. Go back to your left leg again and complete another 10 reps per leg. 5. After that, grab a lighter dumbbell in each hand and do 10 deep splits squats on your left leg. Try to replicate the same range you got with the assisted version. 6. Then complete 10 reps on your right leg. 7. Repeat for another set each leg. – Tom Morrison 🚀 T Nation Site 🚀 Coaching Forums 🥇 Best Workout Supplement 🥇 Best Protein Powder 🥇 Best T-Booster 🥇 Best Prostate Support Supplement 🥇 Best Curcumin 🥇 Best Fish Oil 🥇 Best Sleep Supplement 🥇 Best Fat-Loss Supplement
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