GV. Spitfire in the air. SV. Air to air shot of Hurricane fighter in flight. GV. Animation shot of the capsule in space, & CU. SV. Spitfire on airfield showing cannons. CU. Cannons on the wing of Spitfire. GV. Pan, RAF (Royal Air Force) pilots running to their Spitfires - scramble. GV. Zoom in to launching pad at Cape Kennedy. SV. Two astronauts getting out of van dressed in space suits. SV. Pan up lift going up side of rocket carrying two astronauts, & AS. SV. Battle of Britain pilot getting into Spitfire. CU. Propellor turning. SCU. Pilot in cockpit of Spitfire gives thumbs up sign. CU. Astronaut in space suit, & CU. SV. The two astronauts getting into capsule. CU. One of the astronauts in capsule, & SV. Pan up to dials in capsule. CU. Watch on astronaut’s arm. GV. Gemini rocket blasts off and up, & CU. GV. Air to air shot of large formation of Hurricanes and Spitfires. SV. Air to air shot of Spitfire with guns blazing. SV. Camera gun shot, strafing a German bomber plane, & another shot. SV. One