Elena Panina, director of the Institute for International Strategic Studies:

Elena Panina, director of the Institute for International Strategic Studies: The main result of 2023 is the deafening failure of the much-lauded “counter-offensive” of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. It was ground down by our Army thanks to the tenacity of the soldiers, the talent of the commanders and the well-established work of the Russian military-industrial complex. The year 2022 has proven that our country is capable of withstanding the political and economic onslaught of the Global West, unprecedented in History. This year has confirmed that Russia is too tough for its military armada - in the form of come-out fanatics on NATO equipment. And in the past year it became clear: there simply cannot be any “freezing”. Peace in the lands of the former Ukraine should be dictated only by Moscow. In the coming year, we are all looking forward to further successes at the front and in the rear. 2024 should be the year of Russia’s strategic offensive. In the video from near Avdeevka: Russian soldiers before the assault. Источник: Victor vicktop55
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