David the Builder of Georgia - Sword of the Messiah - დავით აღმაშენებელი
Interesting fact:
1 Gram of water consists of 100 Trillion times Billion (100 Sextillion) atoms.
1 Milligram of water = 100 Trillion times Million (100 Quintillion) atoms.
At least 55% of a total mass of each human body is water. water appeared in this universe at least 13.5 Billion years ago. each Single, Normal human, who weights 60 kilograms, is composed of 60 trillion cells. Every single cell of its own, from this 60 trillion cells is a mini-factory. these mini-factories work together to produce a human organism, that is the only one in the universe, or at least in the world, who knows and thinks of himself/herself as a person. every cell of the human keeps the information about the 4 Billion years evolution of life on Earth. The Human is a biological, physical, and metaphysical wonder and thinking mini-universe. how great and complex is each human body and how great is especially when we are talking about the Nation of the history of thousands of years.
To conquer Georgia once and for all - It’s impossible. Generally, there are peoples, cultures and territories, that can be occupied for a little while, but then everyone leaves it in disgrace, because it is an ancient people, who have not only their traditions, but also a sense of respect for themselves and their friends, but they never love and tolerate their enemies.
The history of Georgia remembers many empires that are much more formidable, than the remnants of the Soviet Union. Here Rome and Byzantium and Persia and Arabian Caliphate fought; the streets of ancient Tbilisi were seen by the hordes of Tamerlane, Tatar-Mongols, and Turk-Seljuks, But our people preserved and brought into this age language, culture, territories and let empires come and go, but Georgia remains!
The history of only Statehood of Georgia is more, than 33 Centuries. Georgian People stand on the very strong roots and these roots are Our Great ancestors. that is why no one can Fall down this Igdrasil - Georgian nation. from the 7’th century to 19’th, Georgia had more than thousand battles with Islamic world. Millions of Georgians were killed during this time, 29 times Tbilisi city was destroyed and people were buried alive or beheaded. several Genocides and ethnic cleansings had a place, also many Georgians were sold as Mameluks (means white slaves)
Ancient Totem of Ibero-Caucasians (Proto-Georgians) was the wolf. that is why Persians called this country Gurgistan. Gurg means Wolf, Gurgistan - Land of the wolves. Georgian men will never give up, as We love our Family, We love hundreds of millions of our Ancestors, We love our Race. we love our Nation, We love our civilization.
Battles of David IV the builder of Georgia (Reign - 1073–1125 - He was not defeat even once)
1) 1093 - imprisonment of the Lord of Kldekary - Liparit Baghashi
2) 1094-1096 year - Liparat Baghashi’s second treason. David captures him again and expulses him in Byzantine.
3) 1103 year - Conquering Zedazeni fortress.
4) 1104 year - Kakheti and Hereti regions is invaded and joined with the united Georgia.
5) 1104 year - Battle of Ertsukhi.
6) 1110 - Conquering of the Samshvilde fortress and City.
7) 1110 - Conquering of the fortress of Dzerna.
8) 1110 - The defeat of the Turkish army in Trialeti.
9) 1115 - Conquering the City of Rustavi.
10) 1116 - Defeating of Turks in Tao-Klarjeti.
11) 1117 - Conquaring of Gishi fortress. war campaign Demetre - the son of David in Shamkori..
12) 1117 - Conquaring of Kaladzor.
13) 1118 - Defeating of Turks at the edge of the Rakhs.
14) 1118 - Conquering of Lore fortress and whole region of Lore.
15) 1118 - Conquering of the fortress of Agaran.
16) 1120 - Defeating of Turk-Selchuks in Botora.
17) 1120 - Conquering of the city of Shirvani - Kabbalah. Great Battles and The expulsion of Turk-Selchuks from whole Shirvan.
18) 1120 - Defeating of Turk-Selchuks in Ashorania.
19) 1120 - Defeating of the Turk-Seljuks in Sergulamej.
20) 1121 - Defeating of the Turk-Seljuk in khunan.
21) 1121 - Conquering of Bardavi city.
22) 1121 - Battle of Didgori
23) 1122 - Conquering Tbilisi city. the final annulment of Amirat of Tbilisi and announcement of the unified Georgian capital.
24) 1123 - War Campaign against the Turk-Selchuks in Shemakhia.
25) 1123 - War campaign in Shirvani and conquaring of Gulistan.
26) 1124 - Conquering of Dmanisi city.
27) 1124 - Conquering of the Fortress of Gagna.
28) 1124 - Conquering of the Fortress of Teronakali.
29) 1124 - Conquering of the Fortress of Kavazin ,
30) 1124 - Conquering of the Fortress of Norbide
31) 1124 - Conquering of the Fortress of Manasgomna.
32) 1124 - Conquering of the Fortress of Talinjakari.
33) 1124 - Conquering of the Fortresses of the City of Anis and nearby fortresses.
34) 1124 - The final joining of Shirvani.
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