For people over 50, 1. Prevent brain aging. 2. Improve heart htalth.

Specific exercise improve symptoms, daily full-body exercises remove root causes. For people over 50, 1. Prevent brain aging. 2. Improve heart htalth. 3-5 minutes between 11:00 and 1:00 p.m. If you have knee pain or illness or can’t do any exercise, such as walking, playing ball, etc. Then you can try this exercise, which can improve your heart and brain health, just by sitting down. There are many meridians related to the heart in the hands and arms. When we rotate the wrist and stretch the fingers, we can stimulate many acupuncture points, unclog the energy channels of the heart, and remove blockage or fluid. An old Chinese proverb says that ten fingers connect the brain. The brain is flexible, the fingers are flexible, the brain thinking is poor, the fingers are clumsy, when we do finger exercises can stimulate the brain nerve, exercise the thinking ability, and maintain the blood and oxygen supply. The body is an intelligent system, we need to use it properly, if you do not have time to study, it is recommended that daily full-body exercises, this is the easiest and most effective way.
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