What You Give Is What You Get (Karma Has No Deadline) By S C Hamill. Copyright: HamTam Music 2019

Karma song & video by songwriter, Stephen Hamill (available for writing songs) ’Whatever you do, will always come back to you.’ Written, produced and performed by Stephen Hamill for HamTam Music. * Karma (car-ma) is a word meaning the result of a person’s actions as well as the actions themselves. * Word explaining cycle of cause and effect. * According to the theory of Karma, what happens to a person, happens because they caused it with their actions. 12 Laws of Karma: 1. Great Law ; “You receive what you put out into the world.” 2. Law of Creation; “Surround yourself with what you want so it is conducive for your desire.” 3. Law of Humility; “We must accept what is before we can change it.” 4. Law of Growth; “Real outer change comes from real inner change.” 5. Law of Responsibility; “Take ownership of the state of the world around us for only then can we change it.” 6. Law of Connection; “Interconnectedness of past, present, and future.” 7. Law of Focus; “It is best that you focus on one central goal over multitasking.” “We must direct our full attention to what we desire.” 8. Law of Giving & Hospitality; “Let actions mirror your beliefs.” 9. Law of Change; “History will repeat itself until you put positive energy to direct it elsewhere.” 10. Law of Here & Now; “Be entirely in the present moment, it’s all we ever have & is to be engaged with and enjoyed.” 11. Law of Patience & Reward; “He who masters patience masters everything else.” “Be willing to do the heavy lifting to create any value.” 12. Law of Significance & Inspiration; “No matter how insignificant you feel, you contribute to the whole universe with what you do.” “The value of any venture is the results of the energy and intent directed towards it.” Some links: WORDS: Looks like I did it again. Pushed a little too far. Should have taken a break. But life ain’t easy. And life ain’t no excuse. Guess I’d better rewind, before it all breaks loose. And that’s straight. ________________________________________ Cos what you give is what you get. Their ain’t no other way. What you give is what you get. Hey, hay, hay, hey, now. Uh huh, huh yeah. ________________________________________ She got the wrath of a cougar. And the heart of a saint. An original woman. With impossible taste. Better hold on tight. Or she’ll be gone like the tide. Think I’m through with being crazy. Takin’ her for a ride. And that’s straight. ________________________________________ Cos what you give is what you get. Their ain’t no other way. What you give is what you get. Hey, hay, hay, hey, now. Uh huh, huh, yeah. Hey now. Uh huh, huh, hay, yeah, yeah heh, heh. ________________________________________ I’d better watch my step. Be careful where I tread. ________________________________________ Cos what you give is what you get. What you give is what you get. Hey, now, now, now. What you give is what you get. What you give is what you get. What you give is what you get. What you give is what you get. Repeat to fade…. © Copyright: HamTamMusic and Hallgreenboy
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