🔥Trump is about to change EVERYTHING and THIS is why they want him dead!

Stephen Gardner and Dr. Richard Flemming discuss how Donald Trump and RFK Jr will change America. Dr. Flemming is on the short list to be the next HHS. See new book Are We the next endangered species? =sr_1_1 According to Dr. Flemming there are 10’s of thousands of documents showing Dr Fauci and others need to be arrested. Former President Obama secretly kept bio weapons and gain of function going but told Fauci to move it to Ukraine. This is why we have a $200 billion cover up war going on. Dr. Richard Fleming - Dr. Fleming has a PHD, is a medical doctor with a focus on cardiology and has a Juris Doctorate for law. Also, author of Are We the Next Endangered Species?: Bioweapons, Eugenics, and More How do we keep Big Pharma healthy but also held accountable. For example I believe I am alive today because of modern medicine and modern medication. However, I’ve lost trust in the medical industry as I’ve studied, especially, these low studied, immunity protected vaccines. Why do you suspect US congress is not interested in knowing whether Covid was man made or natural, leaked or natural, bio weapon or virus? Senator Rand Paul seems to be the only one still trying to get answers and justice against Dr. Fauci. Why is that? Dr. Rober Redfield, former head of CDC says RFK jr needed to hold big pharma, big food, FDA accountable. I read how many pediatric doctors and even adult patient doctors refused to treat patients if they weren’t vaccinated, Is part of the hypocratic oath allegiance to big pharma or is it all to patients? I read how under President Barak Obama there were bio lab leaks and he instructed Dr. Fauci to end the gain of function research and shut it down. That was then moved to Ukraine and China. HOwever, I heard a Dr. Jack Kruse tell RFK Jr this week that Obama didn’t shut it down but secretly instructed Dr. Fauci to move it off shore but continue the bio lab gain of function studies. Know anything about that? Why is your book called Are We the next endangered species? What should my listeners know about MRNA science that we aren’t being told? Dr. Richard Fleming
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