Putin’s private Army ’captures’ Bakhmut; Wagner Boss hoists Russian flag in Ukrainian City

The head of Russia’s Wagner mercenary group, claimed to have captured of the east Ukraine town of Bakhmut. The Wager chief said his units had taken the main city’s administration building. In a video released on Telegram, he can be seen hoisting the Russian flag at the building. #bakhmut #bakhmutukraine #bakhmutupdate #bakhmutbattlefootage #bakhmutbattle #bakhmutfootage #bakhmutukrainenews #bakhmutbattletoday #bakhmutukrainecombatfootage #bakhmutcombatfootage #bakhmutnews #bakhmutfallstorussia #bakhmutfalls #bakhmutmap #bakhmuttoday #bakhmutlatestnews #bakhmutand #bakhmutandtheukrainetrenchwar #bakhmutandsoledar #bakhmutandtheukraine #bakhmutandsoledarmap #bakhmutandverdun #bakhmutandstalingrad #bakhmutandwagner #bakhmutandsoledarsystemofmines #bakhmutandvuhledar #bakhmutandavdiivka #bakhmutfront Hindustan Times Videos bring you news, views and explainers about current issues in India and across the globe. We’re always excited to report the news as quickly as possible, use new technological
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