The White Wolf with the Blue Eyes Part 3 [re-upload]

Alas, the last of the TW3TBE’s have been re-uploaded, and now available for everyone to see. Original Upload Date: July 6, 2011 If you have already seen the original TW3TBE’s, I highly recommend to re-watch this particular one as I feel all the new additions make it a bit different. There’re definitely NEW things I added, which Im sure you will recognize. :) But, ya, the original of anything is almost always the best! Curious, what are your thoughts of this version compared to the original? This part still remains true to the original version, except I have corrected most of the grammar mistakes I had ... I also added a ’few’ new images in place of certain ones that I felt would be a good substitute. EDITING PROCESS: This took much longer to redo due to relocation of old files, correcting corrupted files, replacement of sounds and voices and music and effects, and of course, re-editing and syncing the entire thing and pretty much everyt
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