Mr. Freeman, part 04 [ENGLISH OFFICIAL]

Hi there! There’re a lot of you! What are you munchin’ on over there? Ah. I thought it was potted meat for sure. All right then... Take a little break from your meal, and let’s play Make Believe. Imagine that you’re a rich manufacturer... transporting spices and brocade fabric by ship. Long voyage, comfy cabin, vast sea: beautiful. But one fine day, rats under the deck started crapping in your spices and gnawing on your precious fabric. What are you gonna do to get rid of these wretched pests, hm? Simple: You put five rats in one barrel, lock ’em in there together for a couple o’weeks... Until the only thing left in the barrel is one single rat. Who gobbled up his brothers when he got hungry. Now we have what? Right, we have a cannibal. Somebody that, out of all possible meals prefers, what? Right. The meat of his own species! Now you release him in the hold and... True genius is so simple. Hamsters, wolves and some cats eat their newborns - and for them, this behavior is completely normal. Adorable little
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