Allegory of dawn. Aurora goddess. Mythological Paintings. 49 Artworks Slideshow

01. Adolphe Alexandre Lesrel - Aurora (1868) 02. William-Adolphe Bouguereau - Dawn (1881) 03. Jean Baptiste de Champaigne - Night and Dawn (1681) 04. Juan Antonio Ribera - Aurora (1819) 05. Emma Gaggiotti Richards - Aurora (1861) 06. Jules Joseph Lefebvre - Aurora (1884) 07. Luis Ricardo Falero - Dawn (1883) 08. Pierre Claude Francois Delorme - Cephalus Carried off by Aurora (1851) 09. Pierre-Narcisse Guerin - Aurora and Cephalus (1810) 10. Pierre-Narcisse Guerin - Aurora and Cephalus (1811) 11. Andrea Carlone - Aurora (c. 1678) 12. Anne-Louis Girodet de Roussy-Trioson - Aurora and Cephalus (c. 1810) 13. Anne-Louis Girodet de Roussy-Trioson - Aurora (1814-15) 14. Anne-Louis Girodet de Roussy-Trioson - Aurora (1824) 15. Annibale Carracci - Dawn (1602-05) 16. Antoni Caba - The Triumph of Day over Night Preceded by Dawn (1882) 17. Sebastiano Ricci - Aurora and Tithonus (c. 1705) 18. Sebastiano Ricci - Aurora and T
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