One Good Turn (1930)

M/S of a man kneading a slab of clay outside a brick building. He wears an artists smock. C/U of the clay being kneaded. “ turning on the wheel.“ Interior of a pottery. Potter throws slab of clay onto the wheel. The wheel turns and he shapes a pot. Dissolves are used to squash the period of time it takes him to shape his pot. He uses a length of wire to slice the pot from the wheel. He stops the wheel and lifts off the finished pot. “This is the real old English style of pottery making. C/U of the man as he paints slip stripes onto a jug. He is concentrating very hard. Dissolves are used - a pattern emerges. He paints the handle. C/U of patterns being painted onto a smaller pot. “About five times a year they put the collection in the old kiln to be “fired.“ Various shots of a kiln being loaded. “Some ’good turn’ results - “ L/S of potter admiring his handiwork. C/U of a finished pot which has a fish painted on the side. Dissolve into a shot of a teapot. Was an
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