The Witcher I-III Ambient Soundtrack Mix | Extended Peaceful Music

9 hours of peaceful ambient music from The Witcher trilogy OST, composed by Adam Skorupa, Paweł Błaszczak, Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz, Marcin Przybyłowicz, Mikolai Stroinski, Piotr Musiał & Percival. TW1 02:39 TW2 1:57:17 TW3 3:58:15 02:39 Kaer Morhen 27:32 Vyzima & Outskirts 1:57:17 La Valette Castle 2:08:28 Flotsam 2:24:40 Henselt Camp & Vergen 3:27:15 Loc Muinne 3:58:15 Vyzima Castle 4:02:32 White Orchard 4:15:20 Velen 5:38:54 Skellige 6:26:00 Novigrad 7:32:42 Kaer Morhen 7:52:22 Toussaint A big thanks o
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