PAST SIMPLE Story with IRREGULAR VERBS in English 🇬🇧

Past Simple Story with Irregular verbs in English - Simple Past tense / Past simple tense Welcome to Elephant English Podcasts 🐘 English listening practices with British English pronunciation 🐘 I am a British high school teacher who has started to make English listening practices for beginner, intermediate and advanced English learners (Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4 and Level 5 - A1, A2, B1, B2, C1). The accent in the videos is a British accent with British pronunciation. Key words: english, english speaking practice, english conversation, english speaking, english 101,english podcast, english english, english learning, english language,english youtube, english conversation practice, english class, english listening practice, english listening, english listening for beginners, english for beginners, irregular verbs,irregular verbs in english,past simple,english irregular verbs,past simple regular verbs,regular verbs,simple past,english,learn english,irregular verbs li
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