Hetalia - You Raise Me Up (Multilanguage)

NOTE: There are NO pairings in this video. Please keep this in mind, if you see a picture that you think implies a pairing think first of it as platonic, friendship, companionship, whatever you like. I avoided any romantic relationships though simply because I don’t interpret this song as for people in love but instead for people who are going through hard times and need someone to lean on. Now that that’s out of the way can I just say I’m so flippin in love with this video!!! At first I was disappointed because I could only find the song in four different languages but then I was combining the songs I was feeling so guilty because each language seemed to have a super small part ^^; So yeah, I’m kinda happy I couldn’t find any more versions. MP3 Download since someone asked: Lyrics (English Translation) (If I get anything wrong PLEASE tell me (nicely) since I’m a douche who completly butchers other languages)
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