Simplicity And Purity Concrete House Design That Merges Seamlessly With Nature

The 6M house is located on a great plot next to a lake on which the setting sun falls and combines with the sounds of nature, characteristics that contribute to creating sensations within an architecture that adapts to it. Looking at nature through glass walls to understand it as part of a whole was the main objective for its design, arriving at the architecture of pure lines, qualifying its volumes to clearly distinguish all the elements, and freeing up the interior space, in short, simplify to the maximum to appreciate the beauty of the architecture and its surroundings in all its purity. The house is developed towards the west side of the plot to avoid the afternoon sun and keep the house cool and also to create a large side patio, therefore the first element that is observed when arriving at the land is the enclosure barrier, which is not a wall but an emerald green hill giving privacy to the patio. This vegetation that separates it from the street enters the private area of ​​th
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