Danza III - Guitar Tracking

DISCLAIMER: Because of a copyright claim against this video for the song featured, I am not able to make money for my efforts here on youtube. If you would like to support me for the creation of this video, please come visit me over on where you can subscribe or donate. Thanks so much for watching, and thanks to Jesse, Josh, and Mike for having me in the studio during the creative process. Josh tracking guitars for Danza III !!! General Answers: Song is from Danza III Guitar is Ibanez RG2228 (Galaxy Black) Cab is Orange PPC4x12 Amp is ENGL Invader 150 Tuning is E B E B E Gb B E Tone is “The Yuck“ - description in comments somewhere Strings are Ernie Ball 8string Power Slinky Pickups are EMG 808
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