New Beers Eve by Red Kite Consulting

Red Kite celebrates ‘New Beer’s Eve’. Ah, the Prohibition. The years between 1920 and 1933 were the driest of times, and the saddest. On this day in 1933, president Teddy Roosevelt decided that enough was enough — it was time for beer to freely flow in bars and taverns all across the (emphasis on ‘freely’, as people had been bootlegging liquor the entire time anyway). It’s estimated that 1.5 million (yes, million) gallons of beer were consumed within the first 24 hours of the Prohibition ending. It’s no wonder why — President Roosevelt said “I think this would be a good time for a beer” to commemorate the end of America’s alcohol-free years. The people merely did as they were told. Go pour yourself a beer (or a wine, or a whiskey, or a glass of water). #redkiteconsulting #redkiteexecutivesearchconsulting #redkiteeducationconsulting#redkitebusinessconsulting #redkitebrandconsulting #redkitemigrationconsulting #redkiteyoutube #soarhighwithredkite #AprilFoolsDay #NewBeersEve
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