Super Bros 16 (Kaiketsu Yanchamaru 2 hack) [Famicom] - Playthrough

This hack simply sucks, compared to the original game! 1) The actual work with changed sprites is terrible. Why is the sprite of Mario so messed up?! If it was too small, couldn’t they just enlarge it perfectly, instead of this? It looks really badly done this way. 2) The first time you start a new level, the beginning part is kind of glitchy, as it can be noticed at the first level. There wasn’t any level design changes, like usual. 3) The score is 555550 at the beginning of the game, as opposed to 0, as any traditional videogame would have. 4) The scrolling is kind of glitchy here, just like with the case of the real Kaiketsu Yanchamaru 2 game I have on one of my multicarts, where the scrolling is glitched up. 5) You have more than 9 lives at the beginning of the game. And you are given 5 of something, to be able to choose the different animal, or two of your special attacks. Also if you turn to some animal, you are given a full minute before transforming back, as opposed to 10 seconds. And guess what? THI
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