India now! Chennai is in chaos! Destructive wind storm of 198 km/h blew away cars and houses

ЧЕННАЙ India Natural disaster news every day. Disaster December 2-5. Live news about bad weather. Earth’s pain will cleanse the Planet of humanity. The world in one day about harsh nature. Disaster is here and now. Global warming is not far away. New Delhi – Severe storms with winds and floods caused by the approaching Cyclone Michaung cause chaos in the city of Chennai, South India. Streets in most parts of the city - home to about 12 million people - were flooded as the severe cyclonic storm pounded the Indian coast ahead of an expected landfall on Tuesday. The channel lists natural disasters such as: 1) geological emergencies: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, mudslides, landslides, collapses, avalanches; 2) hydrological emergencies: floods, tsunamis, lake disasters, inundations, inundations; 3) Fires: forest fires, peat fires, glass fires, forest fires; 4) Extreme weather situations: Cyclone, Tornado, Blizzard, Hail, Drought, Hail, Storm, Storm, Thunderstorm, Storm, Storm, Lightning. #weather #news #earthquake #tsunami #ndn #rain #chennai #tamilnadu #michaung #cyclone #storm #cyclonemiahuang #india
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