Danganronpa - Below The Surface

Edit 1 Not a dig at anyone at all! Just an awareness thing! I’ve seen a few comments saying the animation/ tweening isn’t that smooth, sadly it really is the best I can do, I can’t afford subscriptions for alight motion, after effects or video star at this moment in time. Often when you will see edits with smooth animation 9 times out of 10 they are using paid programs which I can’t do. If anyone knows how to make animation smoother on free alight motion, by all means I’m open to constructive criticism! Just something to keep in mind! Again, not being a dig or anything just wanted to make people aware (: Edit 2 Okay I’m getting mean now, unless you’re going to be nice about it idc 😊 I don’t care what anyone has to say, I posted for fun and made this video, for fun, and I appreciate the comments that are enjoying it, but I did not post this video for anyones opinions, unless you are actually going to say something really helpful just don’t say anything at all Than
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