“Greedy“ and “Cheetah“ | Magic Man World Tour | Jackson Wang (Toronto, CANADA) [2023/05/06]

Song: “Greedy,“ “Cheetah“ Artist: Jackson Wang ( Disclaimer: I in no way own this song, all rights belong to their respective owners. — While I’m not big on his use of the ’F’ word —nor am I ever a big fan of hearing it excessively in songs, particularly because it means I can’t play it around my very delicate family— I really ADORE ’Greedy’. (Though I’m still kinda’ hopin for a ’clean’ version where he changes the word to ’freakin’’ or something. Just because it’s easier than havin to bleep it out my self, or having to strategically place my coughs when I know it’s coming up in the song. ha...ha xD) As for Cheetah, I have had it on repeat since it came out. My friend who came with (and was seeing Jackson for the first time) quite liked the song, too and made a point of writing the name down to get later. xD Score! — Check out Jackson Wang’s other channels for more awesome videos! @jacksonwang/ Also, if you want to support us then you can find our blogs below:
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