Purri vs Doze - QuakeCon 2005 Quake II Retro Deathmatch Championship Grand Final Map2

This is the QUAKE II Retro Deathmatch Championship - Grand Finals in 1vs1. The players are Mikael “PURRI“ Tarvainen (SWE/FIN) and Brad ““ Herrlinger (USA). This match was played on the second map “Reckless Abandon“ also known in game as “Match1“. The Commentators are: djWHEAT and NiceGuyEdd More from djWHEAT here: The Demo was downloaded from here: If you experience difficulties with that demo, download my version of it from here: Place the demos in “Quake2/baseq2/demos“ When you are in the game, open the console and use this command: “demomap (demoname).dm2“ The shoutcasting-Mp3 file was downloaded from here:
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