Durdaraz x 4 live performances (2019) - please see updated version, link in the description
Please see the updated version of this song - Durdaraz X 10
This video combines all the existing performances of this song till the end of 2019. Since then he performed it 6 more times.
Source videos:
[fancam] Dimash 48, Durdaraz, Arnau Astana solo concert, June 29, 2019 (live)
[fancam] Dimash 48, Durdaraz, WOW Arena, Sochi mini solo concert, Oct. 18, 2019 (live)
[fancam] Dimash 48, Durdaraz, Arnau St. Petersburg solo concert, Nov. 29, 2019 (live)
[fancam] KDear_Pan, Durdaraz Give Me Love, Arnau Envoy New York solo concert, Dec. 10, 2019 (live)
All updated combined videos:
Know/Ascolta la voce X 9
My Swan X 5
Battle of Memories X 12
Just Let It Be X 4
Mlle Hyde X 9
Durdaraz X 4
Opera 2 X 2
Adagio X 13
My Homeland (Елім менің) X 8
Endings of Late Autumn X 4
Leyla X 4
Mlle Hyde X 15
Durdaraz X 10
Know/Ascolta la voce X 16
Late Autumn X 30 (complete)
1 view
7 months ago 01:27:36 1
Trip to Budapest E08: 10-Week Countdown | If I Never Breathe Again, Give Me Love, Durdaraz & more