Yet another police officer shot by an illegal immigrant who had no business being in our country in the first place

Yet another police officer shot by an illegal immigrant who had no business being in our country in the first place. This dirtbag was picked up by border patrol and released into our country for a court date that wouldn’t happen until 2026!!! While here illegally, he shot a San Antonio police officer, nearly killing her! It never should have happened! All because of the failed immigration policies of this administration and disaster of a “border czar”. As of this morning 223 officers have been shot in America in 2024, that is a 60% increase since 2018. 31 of the 223 have paid the ultimate sacrifice and died in service to their communities. Each number is a mother/daughter father/son and the fact our country isn’t doing everything to stop the War on Cops is an embarrassment. Where is the Biden/Harris administration condemning the historic violence? Where are House Republicans passing the “Protect and Serve Act”? Source: Police frequency
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