MATCHMAKING Trailer | Miami Jewish Film Festival 2023

Endlessly witty, visually rapturous, and sweetly romantic, Matchmaking is a Romeo and Juliet-like saga (sans the tragedy!) of two young, eligible ultra-Orthodox singles looking for a match. Moti (Amit Rahav from the Netflix international hit Unorthodox) spots Nechama (Liana Ayoun in a breakthrough performance), his sister’s friend, and is instantly smitten, but isn’t allowed to date the charming, beautiful young woman because she doesn’t come from an Ashkenazi (European origin) family like his own, but rather comes from a Mizrahi (Middle Eastern origin) family. Over the course of time, Moti is sent on a whirlwind of dates with beautiful girls in the Orthodox community, but against everything he knows and every value he holds dear, he goes on a desperate limb in the most unexpected and unusual of ways in pursuit of his one true love, Nechama. A joyous tale about tolerance and love, Matchmaking is Israel’s biggest box office hit of the year and is full of hijinks, jokes, and slapstick humor thanks to ma
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