Best Bouts of the Makuuchi Division, July 2023

Before the basho even started, there was already a hint of impending transformation in the Sumo world. The Yokozuna winning in May, three contenders for Ozeki, and a solid stock of top division newcomers put quite a bit of pressure on this year’s Nagoya basho at many a different angle. The outcome though is perhaps not what many first assumed, but certainly not one to complain about. I will be the first to admit, the withdrawal of the Yokozuna- and how it happened- was sorely disappointing. Coming from the dominance of May, I had high hopes, and still do, that he could make it a step further to the desired 10 Yusho mark, but his disappearance instead put all the more pressure on the other contenders, most notably the ones aiming for the rank below him. Daieisho, Wakamotoharu and Hoshoryu all entered with Ozeki dreams, but losses early on made each day seem more improbable than the last. In the end, WMH and Daieisho were reduced to henkas, while only the prodigal son Hoshoryu rose to his occasion
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