Doom Eternal - High Mobility Gameplay [Nightmare Difficulty]

I’ve been doing a lot of research into the movement mechanics in this game, mostly in regards to how much speed can be built with the Meat Hook and how to preserve that momentum. I posted a lot of clips to my Twitter (which I’ll link below) of testing the mechanic, but I hadn’t shown any gameplay of those concepts being used in practice. So here’s my favorite combat arena in the game, implementing a bunch of different tricks I’ve picked up since the game came out. Specific mechanics I consciously used are: - Air strafing past an enemy while Meat Hooking to build momentum - Pressing alt fire on the Meat Hook once at a high speed to fling myself - Bunny hopping to maintain momentum - Jumping out of a Meat Hook air strafe to turn that momentum into vertical velocity - Hitting a sloped surface after a Meat Hook fling to launch myself vertically - Dashing into a sloped surface to launch myself vertically - Firing the Ballista backwards while jumping for momentu
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