INSIDE: Why are These Russians in Ukraine?

On this Journalistic Endeavor of INSIDE: Lou Sassle is captured by Russian forces while trying to uncover the Story of what’s going on in Ukraine. He reunites with an old acquaintance, Sergay and gets his perspective, on both the politics and the fighting. Lou bravely goes into the void of danger to answer the question of: Why are These Russians in Ukraine? In any conflict there are three sides: Their side, your side, and the truth. Larp News Network is dedicated tot the truth. Administrative Results is for a mature audience that has a firm grasp on reality and fiction. Also thanks to Grey Shop for the supply of the Wardrobe of this video. HALEY STRATEGIC PRODUCTS: DNC shirt: CIGUERA GEAR: PATREON: WEBSTORE: ADMINISTRATIVE RESULTS INSTAGRAM: 0
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