Earn money by making these clips

Widely used girl’s hair clips 00:00 start diy hair clips 00:17 diy the first step of hair clips and hair pins 00:50 diy the second step of hair clips and hair pins 1:49 diy and repat the previous steps of hair pins and hair clips 3:20 diy and glue the two pieces together 3:42 diy and stick the middle of the hair pins and hair clips 4:21 diy and stick the hair pins and hair clips on a pins 4:50 diy and stick the pearls on the pins 5:54 diy the last step of hair pins and hair clips Hi, to meet you🙋🏻 I am Sara, the creator behind the “Sara_accessories95“ channel. “Sara_accessories95“ is baci...ally a handmade hair clips making channel. You can find here different kind of accessories like handmade hairpin, ribbon hairpin, brooch making, hair accessories, bow ribbon. I will educate all of them step by step💯 about me: My channel is only for educational purposes. Its not my business. Its my hobby🥰 What i made in my channel, i donate all of them to poor and needy persons. If you like support me what i did, yoy can share my videos to others موسیقی: Girls Like Me (Jamin OTB Remix) نوازنده: AAPOfficial and Leo Valentine URL:
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