Red squirrel painting. How to paint a winter squirrel,oil painting

In this tutorial, we’ll be creating a beautiful winter scene featuring a charming red squirrel perched on a tree.🎨🎅 I’ve lightened the blue background using acrylic paint, and the rest of the artwork is done using oil paints. You can also recreate this painting using only acrylics, and all the paint names are mentioned in the video. Now, let’s get started on creating this delightful winter scene together! Don’t forget to subscribe to the channel, hit the like button, and leave a comment with your questions and impressions. Your support and feedback motivate me to create new art lessons for you. 👍🏻 Let’s embark on this exciting artistic journey together! Have a good day 😊 ✔ Red squirrel painting - ✔ Christmas cards, Red Cardinal - ✔ How to paint Christmas CAT - ✔ Easy V
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