Why are we excited about MySQL 8? / Петр Зайцев (Percona)

Приглашаем на конференцию HighLoad 2024, которая пройдет 2 и 3 декабря в Москве! Программа, подробности и билеты по ссылке: -------- HighLoad 2017 Тезисы: MySQL 8 is coming! As large jump in the version implies this is the largest update in the MySQL space since MySQL 5.0 was released over 12 years ago. Are you excited about MySQL 8? We are! In this presentation we will talk about features new to MySQL 8, taking a practical look - how do those features are useful for me as developer using MySQL or as a person responsible for MySQL Operations. Нашли ошибку в видео? Пишите нам на support@
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