Enter vs Area - A little advantage Enter Triggers have over Area Triggers

In short, Area Move Triggers are moving a group of elements when a Trigger group (or a player or camera’s center/edge/corner) gets close enough to these elements, while Enter Move Triggers are moving elements in specific “Enter channel“ when these come out of left or right edges of your screen. In general, Area triggers have a lot of advantages that makes them much more versatile triggers to use, because they’re not limited to just one dimension and not just player or camera, they can move around any random object you decide to throw in and watch the mesmerizing effects unfold, while Enter triggers are only really limited to the screen itself, and not all of it anyways, but just it’s left and right edges. But there’s one little advantage Enter has over Area - it’s much less performance heavy, if even any, because it doesn’t really move or rotate anything, not the elements themselves anyways, it just applies the visual effect to them as if they’re really moving, whil
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