07 Ukrainian Autumn Maiden Fair

04:16 07 Ukrainian Autumn Maiden Fair Synth Bass, Drums, Electric Piano, Electric Guitars, Vocals ISRC: DKEM22200307 ISWC: T- KODA IPI: 489842491 WAV-file: 32 bit, 44.1 kHz. Genre: Blues OMG: Experience the Ukrainian Autumn Maiden Fair We have all heard, about Putin’s violent attack Bombing children and women, in Ukraine Why doesn’t he order, all his soldiers back OMG: No one can imagine, such a pain Ukrainian women are a fantastic bless They are beautiful, and know how to share Just look at their, incredible ways to dress OMG: Experience the Ukrainian Autumn Maiden Fair If you ever should consider, about their powers Don’t be alarmed, because angels are shown Their vinoks are created, with hair crown flowers And lots of celebrities, wearing them are known You can’t anywhere else, find such a sublimity Winning the war, means their power will increase Their vinoks are associated, with the girl’s virginity So actually consi
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