Ian Bruce - Lincoln & My Brothers

Текст с Bandcamp’а: “LINCOLN AND MY BROTHERS (Ian M. Bruce) I tried to grab a handful to take to my heart. There’s nothing here for me to hold. No love to grasp, no ghosts from the past And not a single memory to guide me. On these terraced streets My brothers used to play. That was long before I was born. I never saw them kick a ball Against the red brick walls Nor trudging off to school in the morning. “Bonny“ was the cat. They were very fond of ’that!’ In later years they told me all about him. How he’d followed them around.. A bit more like a hound. There’s no photograph of “Bonny“ And no album. Lincoln and my brothers saw my parents’ younger days. An older mum speaks fondly of Bampa I wrap her words so tightly round.. Like a loose fitting hand-me-down As she tells me of his kind and gentle nature. I’m like some anxious yankee with his book on history. Probing for postion in the past. But this past was never mine. I’m simply from a different time. With heavy heart.. I may as well go home. from A Kind And Gentle Nature, released June 1, 1996“
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