Prelude for String Sextet no. 1

Prelude for String Sextet no. 1 in F Major A prelude focused on moving thirds and octaves. Initially, I set out to create a multi-movement string sextet work, but I found I lacked the will to complete the second movement, let alone a third or fourth. And in its place, I figured writing a Suite would make things easier, splitting the amount of work per movement into six, smaller pieces, would prove less daunting than four larger movements. I was wrong; in place of the monumental nature of a multi-movement work I found the history and legacy of the Suite bearing over my shoulders - neither of which I feel confident or skilled enough to embrace or deny. Instead, I figure, as many piano composers do, I could instead use the String Sextet as an avenue for creating Preludes, free-form creations of expression that gave much more room for me to learn as a composer. This is one of three I have made so far, and I look forward to creating many more over the co
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