Shoulder Prehab👆🏼

—— Watch above for 6️⃣ total 🎥 ’s (focus listed below). This is a good place to start if yesterday’s shoulder post was a little too advanced. . 1️⃣Down dog toe touches - focus: single arm stability and scapular protraction/upward rotation. 2️⃣Prone angels - again, full range of motion scapular movement endurance. 3️⃣T spine reach rotate - quite simply my favorite upper body rotational movement. A @strengthcoachtherapy original. 4️⃣Shoulder taps - single arm stability, lots of core here too. Start w feet wide at first. 5️⃣Push up knee drive - you’re still reading? Hip mobility upper strength 6️⃣Mini plyo push-ups - upper power lots of fast eccentric muscle contractions here = stability. . Tag a friend with whack 🙅🏽‍♂️ shoulders‼️ . 🎵Syn Cole - Feel Good🎵
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