Greg & Wirt Costumes from Over the Garden Wall

My husband and I decided last year to make it a tradition to watch the entirety of “Over the Garden Wall“ at least once every autumn, and this year was no exception! When our friends brought up doing a “costume contest“ for Halloween this year, we knew our perfect, seasonal costume: Greg and Wirt. I sewed the main components of our costumes -- Wirt’s cloak and Greg’s outfit -- from scratch over the course of two simultaneously long and short weeks. In this video I detail both the tedious, frustrating progress and the pretty decent results! I learned a LOT from this project. Other than boxers in middle school and an apron a few years ago, these are the largest sewing projects I’ve completed to date, and the first actual garments I’ve done. For all the blood, sweat and tears this project wrangled from me, I’m incredibly glad that it did it. The final results, while imperfect, were unbelievably rewarding!
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