Black Phantom Tetra Care Tips

Black Phantom Tetra Care Tips: Tank Size: The minimum tank size suitable for the Black Phantom Tetras is 10 gallons or more. Tank Setup: Have a densely planted tank with a sandy or a dark substrate to mimic the Black Phantom Tetras natural habitat. Water Temperature: The ideal water temperature suitable for the Black Phantom Tetras is between 72 to 80 F (22 to 27 C). Water pH Level: The ideal pH range suitable for the Black Phantom Tetras is 6.0 to 7.5. Water Filtration: In the wild the Black Phantom Tetras are found in the sluggish tributaries and backwaters of ponds, lakes etc. A filter which creates little or no water movement is suitable for them. Food: The Black Phantom Tetras are omnivores and will eat all types of Aquarium fish food like flake foods, blood worms, brine shrimp etc. Tankmates: The Black Phantom Tetras are a peaceful fish. Other peaceful fish like Tetras, Rasboras, can be kept along with them. Number of Fish: The Black Phantom Tetras should be kept in a school of 6 or more. References:
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