Cymru Am Byth (1925)

Item title reads - “Cymru Am Byth“. Prince of Wales attends laying-up of the Old Colours of the 1st Battalion Welsh Guards in the Cathedral. Llandaff, Wales. L/S as the 1st Battalion Welsh Guards march along in their uniforms and bearskin hats carrying rifles and bayonets, the Colours are carried in the midst of them. M/S as Prince Edward, Prince of Wales, walks down the line of Guards, he is also in uniform. M/S as they walk through an arch. Drummers and pipers play while the Guards salute. M/S as they remove their hats as they enter the Cathedral. M/S as the Prince walks down a line of veterans who are wearing their medals. Intertitle - ’The Prince, finding that Mrs George - bereaved of two sons in War - had no ticket for Cathedral - gave orders that she was to be admitted.’ M/S of the Prince talking to Mrs George and nodding, he looks around as if to summon someone. M/S as he walks up to the war memorial and lays a wreath then salutes. Note: this item is yellow tinted. There is a bl
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